Great Minds. Disruptive Ideas.
Great Minds. Disruptive Ideas.

Train your team collaboration skills to run strategic, customer obsessed and disruptive sessions across cross-functional teams to generate immediate outcomes.

Make & Test Ideas
Gain & iterate feedback to create customer-centric ideas
5 lessons | 13 Interactive Tasks | 13 Reflective Tasks
Customer Journey Design
Visualize customers' experience mapping to innovate new solutions
4 lessons | 9 Interactive Tasks | 9 Reflective Tasks
Facilitate Great Outcomes
Build a collaborative, empathetic and experimental way of working
6 lessons | 15 Interactive Tasks | 15 Reflective Tasks
Program Certification

The more you learn, the higher your credibility. Earn industry-recognised certificates for every learning milestone.

Want to customise your program?
We can help. Let us know your learning goals!
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